Reading Messages from JMS Queue in Weblogic 12.1.1 using Java

Suppose I have Queue configured in Weblogic and I want to write application in which Program A will put messages to this queue and Program B will read data from this Queue.

 There are multiple Persistence Store options availble in WL like The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages. If unspecified, the JMS server uses the default persistent store that is configured on each targeted WebLogic Server instance As part of below example We will be using default one.

In order to retrieve messages from queue, you have should queue containing messages.
Please refer to previous article to send messages to JMS Queue.

Sending Message to JMS Queue in Weblogic 12.1.1 using Java

Suppose I have Queue configured in Weblogic and I want to write application in which
Program A will put messages to this queue and Program B will read data from this Queue.

There are multiple Persistence Store options availble in WL like The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages.If unspecified, the JMS server uses the default persistent store that is configured on each targeted WebLogic Server instance. As part of below example We will be using default one.

Retrieving Data from DataSource Configured in WebLogic 12.1

Suppose I have MySQL Database called RetailStore and have table Order containing order related data which customer submitted via online applications. Our requirement is to write java program which will read data from DataSource which is configured in Weblogic for our MYSQL Database.

You need to follow below steps.
  1. Create DataSource in WebLogic. I have used MySQL as DB and Weblogic 12.1.1 as Application Server.
  2. Test DataSource in weblogic
  3. Create HashMap consisting Initial Context Factory and Provider URL
  4. Create initial context Factory
  5. Do Lookup on context using JNDI configured for DataSource and have dataSource instance
  6. Get Connection from DataSource and Perform common JDBC Logic to read data from Table.

DataSource in WebLogic
Go to Services -> DataSource-> Create new DataSource. you will be asked to follow series of steps.
If you have MYSQL Db then please provide below configuration