Solution : Exception "\IBM\WebSphere was unexpected at this time"

While I was developing webservices, I was unable to start Weblogic configured in Netbeans and getting exception "\IBM\WebSphere was unexpected at this time".

Following steps I have performed but issue doesn't resolved
  1. Removed Weblogic in Netbeans But issue doesn't solved
  2. Removed Netbeans and done fresh installation thinking Might be Netbeans Bug But issue doesn't solved
  3. Removed Weblogic installation and reinstalled Weblogic fresh installation But Issue doesn't solved
  4. Then I was thinking why issue doesn't got resolved.

Java 8 Sorting using Lambda Expression example

I have array containing names of my friends. I want to sort those name so I can get my friends's name sorted  by name alphabetically.

Persons Array
String[] persons = {"Anuj Patel", "Munjal Thakkar", "Jigar Shah", "Bhargav Patel", "Harish Raghwan","Zvika Chananel"};

Print Array using Lambda Expressions
System.out.print("*** Before Sorting ***:\n");
Arrays.asList(persons).forEach((person) -> System.out.println(person));

Here, we are creating List from Array and saying that for each person, print person.
Lambda expression is (Parameter) -> Body in simple words. It's more readable form.

Java 8 Threading Using Lambda expression Example

As we already know that In Java, we can create thread using two ways - using extends and another is using Runnable.

Normally we create Thread using below ways.
Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Threading Using old way !");

We write codes because we are interested in doing something. we write something and expecting some output. We are more interested in outcome that our code is supposed to provide. here we expect our code to print "Threading Using old way!" once it runs.
But It seems we are writing extra codes for simple thing !

Encrypting and Decrypting Images Using BlowFish

Blowfish is a symmetric-key block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier and included in a large number of cipher suites and encryption products.
For more information, refer to

To Encrypt and Desrypt Images , follow following steps

Encrypting and Decrypting Images Using BlowFish :
1. Create SecretKey which will be used for Encryption
SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(password.getBytes(), "Blowfish");

2. Create Cipher Instance
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish");

3. To Encrypt, Initialize Cipher using secretKey
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);